Thursday, July 23, 2020

Jock Genius

Work like you don’t need the money.

 Love like you’ve never been hurt. 

Dance like nobody’s watching. 

Satchel Paige

IOW, do your work like you're not getting paid. Do the work you want to do. 

I’ve worked in the marketing and corporate communications space for a while now. I've had to write about all kinds of subject matter that, on the surface, wasn’t that interesting to me. But I used a technique I forged when I worked as a bartender in a restaurant that catered to a mostly dull and self-serving grayhead clientele: Find whatever’s in there, be it a person or a subject, that’s interesting to me. Make them/it interesting. Sometimes that means taking the subject/person places they wouldn’t go without your guidance. 

Work like you’re the audience. And find the things within it that are your loves and passions. 

And then dance about it like nobody’s watching because it isn’t for them—it’s for you: All you.