Monday, August 19, 2013

Life Is Short, Art Is Long

I don't remember where I heard it, but someone once said, "No one ever says on their deathbed, 'I wish I'd spent more time at the office.'" Ever notice how in movies or television shows having to do with a particular job or industry it never shows the characters actually working. Because it's boring. Life generally doesn't happen at work. More often, it's happening somewhere else while you're at work. Unless its your life's work, your avocation, then that would be different.

In the end, that's the thing we are living for––the thing that gives our lives meaning. Whether we are writers, artists, musicians, or actors et al, we are thinkers and conceptualizers first and foremost. You are only truly working when you're thinking about YOUR work. Your work is your experience and your gift to the world. Even if no one gets to experience your art, you thought it and it infuses your life and how you think. 

So get to work already.

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