Thursday, July 18, 2013

Excuses Are Bull&%$#!

The website The Weeklings ("Rogue commentary for now people") offers 12 reasons why your excuses for not writing are bullshit. Or, as I would call it, my typical daily demotivations.

Here's a couple of them:

1. No one will want to read it.
Yeah, that’s probably true. It’ll get better, probably, eventually. First, you’ll show your mama, and she’ll tell you it’s good. This does not actually mean it’s good, quite yet. Then, your friends will tell you the next one is good. They might be wrong or right, depending on how honest they are. Finally, strangers will tell you it’s good. And last, people will actually pay to read your writing, because they want to read it. This process can take anywhere between a few months to several decades. Good luck!

 2. I don’t have time.
I may be wrong, but I suspect your problem is that you have a life. Do away with that. Like, adios to yoga and the gym, plus stop jogging, and Pinteresting, sky-diving, stamp-collecting and so on. Facebook and other social media are cool in moderation, I think, but just keep the writing document open and it’ll glare at you angrily the whole time. Or write longhand. It sounds weird to youngsters, but it’s actually really good; most of the best stuff I’ve written started longhand. I guess a lot of the bad stuff I’ve written was done longhand, too.
Most relationships are overrated, or they don’t have to be so time consuming at least, so do the bare minimum (or less), to maintain civil relations with the people who you value the most. TV’s out, of course, unless it’s late and you’re really comatose after a lot of work, in which case you’re not good for much anyway....
Read the whole thing here. 

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